Working on a project in cooperation with state institutions, which will be the pride of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, is one of the many successful projects of our company. With the aim of integrating and making available cultural collections and artefacts on the European portal, together with many others from other countries, it can be considered a major shift in the digitalization of Slovakia. The project was created with the aim of Slovak culture being one of those that will contribute art and works in digitized form and to share these objects with the European digital library as much as possible
Client Characteristics
Our customer, the National Awareness Center, is an organization of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic. The center was established in 1990 after the closure of the Educational Institute in Bratislava. Its main purpose is the promotion of cultural identity on a global level. It helps to map and present the current cultural state and its development between regions. It also strives for the protection and development of intangible cultural heritage and supports artistic activity. As part of informal education, it provides methodical materials or professional and artistic education.

Other activities he performs include statistics and research in order to gain further knowledge about culture. It is thanks to them that they can further expand scientific knowledge and use the information obtained as a basis for data-based policy. The National Enlightenment Center incorporates a number of important institutions, including:
- Slovak National Library,
- Slovak National Gallery,
- Monument Institute of the Slovak Republic,
- Slovak Folk Art Collective,
- Slovak Film Institute,
- Slovak National Archives.
It is precisely all these and other institutions that accumulate works and monuments, which have been digitized in a certain way, to the National Education Center. It connects all works and publishes them on the portal
Our challenge and goals
The goal of the entire project was to link the cultural heritage on with, which makes accessible the digitized monuments of all European countries. The challenge for our company was to effectively solve the overall system support and program the functional integration of and At the same time, to support greater sharing of the Slovak cultural heritage with the European organization, so that it reaches teachers, journalists, students, scientists or anyone who is interested in such works, artefacts, publications. The digital format will enable access to these works even for the disabled, who would otherwise have such an opportunity several times more difficult.
Our solution
Our team created an export data sample based on the specified technical protocol. This sample could then be exported from our database structures for the customer so that he could later retrieve and harvest it. That is, to take over and process together into the system. It was therefore necessary to create the sample exactly according to the rules defined by the customer, so that the overall process was as smooth and simple as possible not only for the customer but also for our team.
Project complexity

Financial complexity

Time complexity


Customer benefit
The greatest benefit that the completed project will bring after launch is accessibility to collections and works, not only within the Slovak portal but also within the European portal, which will help to expand the public’s access to our cultural heritage and thus make visible the beauty of our historical works.
- linking cultural heritage
- improved access
- modernization
- making history visible to current generations
What the customer says about it?
“Slovak culture will be more inclusive,” the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic said on its Facebook profile. They called the project a success, which was realized with the help of an ambitious team and the digitization of Slovak cultural heritage dawns for better times.
A review of our work was also provided by Ms. Beckyová from the National Awareness Center:
“The Brain:IT company implements an order for the National Awareness Center to ensure support for the operation, maintenance and development of the information system.
As part of the required services, as the customer, we provide an opinion that the contractor performs the work with the necessary expertise and with compliance with the deadlines, as well as meeting the requirements of the customer.
Communication with the supplier is seamless and meets the customer’s needs.”